Thursday, August 03, 2006

Back on The Bus

Been back with the old man for a month or so. Doing very well. Stocking up for the winter.
Have been drying alot of vegies as they come on sale.
Spent a few weeks in Stanley on Chapman Lake...very nice park. Then we spent a couple weeks in Rib Lake at the campground. This is the first summer we have actually gone to parks with electric outlets. It is nice to have electricity sometimes, but we are planning to purchase some solar panels for 12-volt.
We've been talking about buying a different bus also. The place we got this one has a coach for sale now, a nice tour bus with A/C and lots of storage space underneath. We are going to go see about making arrangements for it soon. Then the Big Purple Bus will be for sale...everything included except personal items and food (stove, refrigerators, microwave, T.V.'s, DVD, VCR).
Not sure how much we'll ask for it yet, but probably under $10,000.
Samwise is happy to be back here again and so am I. Things are going pretty well.

1 comment:

C4G said...

So nice to see an update!! I've got your feed on Bloglines (.com) so that I can keep track of all the blogs I am interested in. Glad you are doing well! I've dropped from the MAP community and PUC...people changed, and I have become uninterested in helping the ungreatful ingrates that they call community. Blah.